Probability and Statistics syllabi breakdown
Below is a tentative recap of the main contents of Prob and Stats courses, arranged in a form to identify possible overlaps that could give place to a dedicated topic. Note that the table is still under development, and therefore may be subject to changes (e.g. different aggregation or association with lectures from different courses). This is a good example of where collaborative between students could yield powerful results.
Bit of notation used in the table below: U/M - Unit/Module, L - Lecture, R - Recitation/Solved Problems, PS/HW - Problem Set/Homework.
The general idea for the creation of cheat sheets is to perform the following for each Topic:
- review the lectures (mainly finger exercises);
- solve again all PS/HW from scratch;
- take note of the formulas/concepts in the official answer;
- identify the link between definitions and the solutions;
- reduce the links to a minimum set of pairs (definition, solution); and
- translate these pairs into a cheat sheet for that Topic (work done individually).
Any suggestions as to rearrange or aggregate topics in the comment section below are welcome!